Calathea roseopicta green (babyplant)
Calathea Roseopicta is a tropical plant, particularly decorative, with colorful and varied foliage, native to South America. Calathea is a plant that purifies the air, contributing to a cleaner indoor climate.
Calathea is also special for another reason: its leaves close at night and open again in the morning! This is the reason why Calathea is also called "living plant". The plant owes this ability to a small "joint" between the leaves and the stem. The light moves the joints and, as a result, the leaves of Calathea open and close - sometimes accompanied by a rustling sound.
Calathea care instructions
Placement: shaded space, with indirect light.
Optimum temperature: 16 -27 degrees Celsius
Note: Some specimens may have defective leaves.
Height with pots included approx. 10-15 cm
The decorative bowl is not included in the price.