Vanda miniata (syn. Ascocentrum miniatum)
336 kr
Full description and specifications
Vanda miniata (syn. Ascocentrum miniatum) - small botanical species, with compact growth. It blooms frequently generating even 5-6 stems at a time and has a tendency to produce a large number of keiki, transforming over time into a real formation of plants (clumps). Each stem produces 30+ flowers.
Flower color: orange-orange, sometimes red
Flower size: 1.5 cm
Flowering period: at any time of the year (free flowering).
See here the care instructions for the Vanda orchid.
Flower color: orange-orange, sometimes red
Flower size: 1.5 cm
Flowering period: at any time of the year (free flowering).
See here the care instructions for the Vanda orchid.