Rebutia perplexed

43 kr

Pot diameter: pot 5.5 cm

pot 5.5 cm
Full description and specifications

Rebutia perplexa is a type of cactus highly appreciated for its compact size and for its brightly colored flowers. This species is part of the Cactaceae family and is native to the mountainous regions of Bolivia.

Rebutia perplexa has a spherical or slightly elongated, small body, which can reach 5-7 cm in height and approximately 4-6 cm in diameter. The cactus is covered with areoles from which many short, thin thorns grow, often colored in shades of yellow, red or brown. The flowers, which appear in spring or early summer.


  • Light : Rebutia perplexa requires a lot of light, including direct sunlight, but should be protected from strong midday sun in areas with very hot climates.
  • Watering : Watering should be moderate during the period of active growth (spring-summer). The soil must be allowed to dry completely between waterings. During the winter, the plant should be watered very rarely, maintaining only a minimum of moisture to prevent complete dehydration.
  • Temperature : The plant is relatively resistant to cold for short periods, but does not tolerate temperatures below zero degrees Celsius. It is ideal to be kept at temperatures above 5 degrees Celsius during the winter.
  • Soil : A well-drained cactus mix is ​​essential.
  • Fertilization : Apply a diluted cacti fertilizer once a month during the growing season.

Pot diameter 5.5 cm
Height with pots included approx. 10-12 cm
The plant is sold without flowers!