Hoya diptera - flori parfumate

Hoya diptera (scented flowers) D15 - developed specimens

108,00 zł
Let me know when it's back in stock!

Stage:: without flowers (15 cm pots - hangpot)

without flowers (15 cm pots - hangpot)
Full description and specifications

Hoya diptera - endemic botanical species from Vanuatu, Fiji. There are several subspecies/variations different in leaf size, pubescence and flower color.

Hoya Diptera is recommended for beginners because it grows quite quickly and usually blooms after the second year of life, under optimal conditions. Flowering is conditioned by the exposure of the plant to strong light.

The substrate must be permeable and dry completely between waterings - Hoya diptera is sensitive to excessive humidity.

Fragrant flowers: Yes
Flower size: 2 cm. 10-15/umbela
Leaf size: 4.7 long and 2-3.5 cm wide
Duration of flowers: 8-10 days

Note: Specimens in stock also have defective leaves.