Adelonema pallidinervium


Pot diameter: pot 12 cm

pot 12 cm
Full description and specifications

Adelonema pallidinervium is a tropical plant, appreciated for its large and decorative leaves. This plant is native to the tropical forests of Central and South America and is ideal for interior decoration due to its attractive appearance and relatively easy care.


  • Leaves: The leaves are large, cordate (heart-shaped), dark green, with pale, contrasting veins, which create an impressive visual effect. The leaves are glossy and have a slightly velvety texture.
  • Stems: The stems are succulent, thick and relatively short, supporting the large and decorative leaves.
  • Dimensions: Adelonema pallidinervium can reach a height of 30-60 cm and a similar width, forming a compact and lush bush.


Light: The plant prefers a bright area with indirect light. It can tolerate partial shade, but the leaves will be more vibrant if the plant benefits from sufficient light.

Avoidance: Avoid direct exposure to intense sun, which can cause burns on the leaves.

Soil: Prefers a well-drained soil, rich in organic matter. A mixture of universal potting soil with perlite or pine bark is ideal to ensure the necessary drainage.

Watering: Watering must be moderate. During the summer, water the plant regularly, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings. In winter, reduce the frequency of watering.

Method: Water the plant at the base to avoid wetting the leaves, which can lead to fungal diseases.

Temperature: Adelonema pallidinervium prefers temperatures between 18-24°C. It is sensitive to cold and does not tolerate temperatures below 10°C.

Protection: Avoid exposure to cold air currents and protect the plant from sudden temperature changes.

Humidity: The plant prefers a moderate to high level of humidity. In dry air conditions, periodically spray the leaves with water or use a humidifier to maintain the necessary humidity.

Fertilization: Fertilize the plant once every 2-4 weeks during the period of active growth (spring and summer) with a balanced liquid fertilizer for indoor plants, diluted according to the instructions on the package. Reduce fertilization during autumn and winter to once a month.

Propagation: Adelonema pallidinervium is propagated by dividing the bush or by stem cuttings. Dividing the bush is the simplest and most effective method.

Common problems:

Diseases: The plant can be susceptible to root rot if it is excessively watered. Make sure that the soil is well drained and that the plant is not standing in water.

Pests: Periodically check the plant for aphids, red spiders and cochineals. Treat promptly if infestations occur.

Yellowing leaves: If the leaves turn yellow, this can be a sign of excessive or insufficient watering, or a lack of nutrients.

Uses: Adelonema pallidinervium is ideal for interior decoration, adding a tropical and lush element to homes, offices or commercial spaces.

note: may have defective leaves.

Height with pots included approx. 25 cm