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518 Products Found
Plante cu semnificatie; Plante Feng ShuiMaranta Leuconeura 'Gray' (Silverband)
Maranta Leuconeura 'Gray' - spectacular cultivar, recently discovered and propagated by Dutch producers. The mutation of this cultivar is remarkable - the venation of the leaves seems phosphorescent and you...
Cordyline australis 'Red Star'
Cordyline australis 'Red Star' is an ornamental plant valued for its oblong, dark red to purple leaves. It is part of the Asparagaceae family and is native to New Zealand....
Aspidistra elatior minor 'Milky Way'
Aspidistra elatior minor 'Milky Way'. Aspidistra elatior fully deserves its popular name of "Iron Plant". It is extremely hardy and has a wonderful ability to grow with very little care....
Sansevieria 'Silver Spears'
Sansevieria 'Silver Spears' is an elegant and modern variety of Sansevieria, also known as 'Mother-in-law's Tongue'. It stands out for its long, sharp and supple leaves, with a distinct shade...
Gardenia Jasminoides 'Sweetheart' (resistant also in the garden)
Gardenia Jasminoides 'Sweetheart', also known as Gardenia de Gardenia or Hardy Gardenia. It is a spectacular variety that can be grown both indoors and in the garden, provided it is...
Calathea Musaica Network
Calathea Network, peacock plant - brightly colored, decorative and very air purifying plant! Calathea Network, with a bushy appearance, is suitable for any office space or as an indoor plant....
Ivy - Hedera helix 'Wonder' XL specimen
Ivy is a climbing plant, very decorative with its fast-growing evergreen leaves. Ivy is the generic name given to climbing plants with very long, woody stems, which can spread both...
Peperomia obtusifolia 'Variegata' 2-3 plants/pot
Peperomia Obtusifolia Variegata, also known as the “baby rubber plant”, is a compact and easy-care houseplant, appreciated for its thick, glossy and variegated leaves. The leaves are oval, with cream,...
Heat Pack XXL (110 hours)
Heat Pack XXL - is a heat-generating package, mainly used for transporting animals and plants during the winter, but can also be used for keeping many other goods sensitive to...
Sansevieria 'Aubrytiana Jaboa'
Sansevieria 'Aubrytiana Jaboa' , also known as "Mother-in-law's Tongue" or "Snake Plant", is a variety of Sansevieria appreciated for its decorative leaves and robustness. It is said that mother-in-law's tongue...
Sansevieria Trifasciata Zeylanica
Sansevieria is famous for converting CO2 into O2 at night. It is said that in an environment where there is no fresh air at all, if you have 6-8 Sansevieria...
Dracaena fragrans 'Tornado'
Dracaena is an exotic plant, particularly decorative through its leaves. It is a very popular plant both because of its appearance and because it requires minimal care. Location: bright but...
Aeschynanthus 'Swing' (Lipstick plant) - XL specimens
Aeschynanthus 'Swing', also known as the lipstick plant, is an easy-care houseplant native to Southeast Asia. It is known for its vibrant red, tubular flowers that resemble lipstick tubes. Here...
Maranta leuconeura var. erythroneura (Tricolor) - Prayer plant
Maranta is popularly called the plant that prays because it raises its leaves in the evening and lowers them in the morning. Maranta is a plant with a very spectacular...
Strelitzia Nicolai - Bird of Paradise
Strelitzia is one of the most famous plants in the world. The unique shape of the flowers is associated with the bird of paradise, due to the bright orange and...
Tradescantia albiflora 'Nanouk' D7 (2-3 plants/pot)
Tradescantia albiflora 'Nanouk' is an easy-care houseplant with colorful leaves. Tradescantia has air purifying qualities. Tradescantia albiflora 'Nanouk' is quite easy to care for, which makes it perfect for beginners....
Sansevieria 'Star Canary'
Sansevieria Star Canary is one of the easiest houseplants to maintain. Sansevieria is famous for turning CO2 into O2 at night. It is said that in an environment where you...
Murraya paniculata (Orange Jasmin) - Large specimens, multiple plants/pots
Murraya paniculata , also known as Orange jasmine or false orange, is an exotic, evergreen shrub with dense, glossy foliage and intensely fragrant white flowers. It blooms intermittently throughout the...
Ornithogalum Balansae - Star of Betheleem, Balusca
Ornithogalum Balansae also known as the flowering Star of Betheleem is a resistant bulbous plant, which can be grown both as an indoor plant and as a garden plant, being...
Tradescantia fluminensis 'Quadricolor' (4-5 plants/pot)
Tradescantia fluminensis 'Quadricolor' is an easy-care houseplant, with leaves in 4 colors, purple, cream, yellow and green. Tradescantia fluminensis 'Quadricolor' has air purifying qualities. Location: in a bright area. It...
Calathea Ornata Sanderiana (peacock plant)
Calathea Sanderiana, the peacock plant is a brightly colored, decorative and air purifying plant! Calathea is suitable for any office space or as an indoor plant. Placement: shaded space, with...
Aphelandra squarrosa 'Dania' (Zebra Plant)
Aphelandra, also called the Zebra Plant due to its appearance, is a shrub that grows and blooms easily if given the necessary conditions. Care instructions for Aphelandra - Zebra Plant...
Sansevieria Spearmint
€12,95 – €15,95
Sansevieria is a plant native to Africa, Madagascar and South Asia, and grown here as a houseplant. It does well with heat and strong light, but will also tolerate shade....
Maranta Leuconeura Kerchoveana - The plant that prays for the house
Maranta is popularly called the plant that prays because in the evening it raises its leaves and sticks them together like two hands praying, and in the morning it drops...
Peperomia angulata 'Rocca Scuro'
Peperomia is not a difficult plant to care for, the biggest problem it faces is usually related to watering. Light: Peperomia prefers moderate light but will also tolerate shade. It...
Calathea orbifolia
Calathea orbifolia is a decorative plant, with a bushy appearance, that keeps a rich vegetation all year round. Height with pots included approx. 25-30 cm normal. Calathea care instructions Placement:...
Hedera helix 'White Ripple'
Hedera helix 'White Ripple' is a climbing plant, very decorative with its evergreen leaves, with fast growth. Ivy is the generic name given to climbing plants with very long, woody...
Fittonia albivenis 'Skeleton', mosaic plant
Fittonia is a plant with a delightful appearance, originating from the forests of South America. It stands out for its ornamental leaves, decorated with stripes of different colors, and for...
Ivy - Hedera helix 'Sagittifolia Variegata' (ivy)
Ivy helix 'Sagittifolia Variegata' is a climbing plant, very decorative with its fast-growing evergreen leaves. Ivy is the generic name given to climbing plants with very long, woody stems, which...
Ivy - Hedera helix 'Mein Herz'
Ivy - Hedera helix 'Mein Herz' is a climbing plant, decorative through its leaves. Ivy is the generic name given to climbing plants with very long, woody stems, which can...
Pachira - The Money Tree (unbraided)
€6,95 – €10,95
Pachira Aquatica is a very popular tree due to the myths that surround it, known as the Malabat Chestnut or the Money Tree. It is said that the plant brings...
Peperomia Quito
Peperomia is not a difficult plant to care for, the biggest problem it faces is usually related to watering. Light: Peperomia prefers moderate light but will also tolerate shade. It...
Sansevieria cylindrica Musica XL
Sansevieria cylindrica, also known as sansevieria cylindrica or "snake plant," is a popular indoor plant for its simplicity and resistance. It is native to Africa and belongs to the Asparagaceae...
Sansevieria cylindrica 'Medusa'
Sansevieria cylindrica 'Medusa' is a variety of the Sansevieria cylindrica plant, originally from Africa. This variety is called 'Medusa' due to its special appearance, which consists of its long and...
Oxalis hedysaroides 'Rubra' - clover with yellow flowers
Oxalis hedysaroides 'Rubra' is a perennial plant, widespread in Brazil and South Africa. Care: - it loves light, it can be placed near a window - optimal temperature: 15 -...
Calathea rufibarba 'Wavestar'
Calathea rufibarba 'Wavestar' is a tropical plant, particularly decorative, with colorful and varied foliage, native to South America. Calathea is a plant that truly purifies the air, contributing to a...
Oxalis volcanicola 'Rosea' (yellow flowers)
Oxalis volcanicola is a perennial plant, widespread in Brazil and South Africa. Care: - it loves light, it can be placed near a window - optimal temperature: 15 - 24...
Chlorophytum laxum - purifies the air
Chlorophytum laxum, also popularly called the Spider Plant, the Green Lily or the Bride's Veil, is a decorative apartment plant, originating in Africa that does not require special attention, is...
Tradescantia albiflora 'Nanouk' D12 (5+ plants/pot)
Tradescantia albiflora 'Nanouk' is an easy-care houseplant with colorful leaves. Tradescantia has air-purifying properties. Tradescantia care instructions: Light: Place in a bright area. Tradescantia can be placed outside in the...
Potted myrtle (Myrtus Communis) H70 cm
Myrtle is an aromatic plant of Mediterranean origin, evergreen, known since ancient times for its beneficial effects on the human body, but also worn with pride by brides, thanks to...
Maranta Leuconeura 'Dark' 2pp
Maranta Leuconeura 'Dark' - spectacular cultivar, recently discovered and propagated by Dutch producers. The mutation of this cultivar is remarkable - the venation of the leaves seems phosphorescent and you...
Garden fern - Athyrium otophorum 'Okanum'
€7,95 – €11,95
Athyrium otophorum 'Okanum', known as mouse-eared fern, is a distinct variety of fern with the following characteristics: Appearance : The leaves of this fern show an attractive combination of green...
Sansevieria 'Star Canyon Granite'
Sansevieria 'Star Canyon Granite' is a variety of succulent plant known for its attractive and robust leaves. This plant is part of the Asparagaceae family and is a popular choice...
Sansevieria cylindrica straight
Sansevieria is a plant native to Africa, Madagascar and South Asia, and grown here as a houseplant. It does well with heat and strong light, but will also tolerate shade....
Dracaena Surculosa 'Mike White'
Dracaena Surculosa 'Mike White' is an exotic plant, originally from the tropical forest region of West Africa, particularly decorative with its leaves. It is a very popular plant both because...
Sansevieria Hahnii 'Ocean Star' D6
Sansevieria is a plant native to Africa, Madagascar and South Asia, and grown here as a houseplant. It does well with heat and strong light, but will also tolerate shade....
Peperomia 'Pixie'
The Peperomia family is a very large plant family, consisting of approximately 500 species. Most Peperomia species come from the Amazon basin in South America, where they grow in warm...
Sansevieria dino green
Sansevieria dino green is one of the easiest houseplants to maintain. Sansevieria is famous for turning CO2 into O2 at night. It is said that in an environment where you...
Special plants, which often go unnoticed and do not (yet) receive enough attention :)