Flowers March 1-8

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4 Products Found
Ghiocei de vara - Leucojum aestivum

Summer snowdrops - Leucojum aestivum

Leucojum aestivum - also called "summer snowdrop" or marsh snowdrop. It is a bulbous plant from the Amaryllidaceae family, closer to lilies than to snowdrops. Unlike snowdrops, the plant is...
Galanthus elwesii

Galanthus elwesii with a large flower in a pot - Galanthus elwesii

Galanthus elwesii - a large-flowered variety of snowdrops, being the "gigantic" form of the classic snowdrops. Both the flower and the plant are at least double the size of the...
Galanthus hippolyta

Galanthus hippolyta with a double flower in a pot - Galanthus hippolyta

Galanthus hippolyta - snowdrop variety with large, double flower. Potted snowdrops, a symbol of spring, are the perfect gift for Martisor. Pot diameter: 9 cm
Ghiocei de vara - Leucojum aestivum

Summer snowdrops - Leucojum aestivum D17cm (XL pot)

Leucojum aestivum - also called "summer snowdrop" or marsh snowdrop. It is a bulbous plant from the Amaryllidaceae family, closer to lilies than to snowdrops. Unlike snowdrops, the plant is...

Plants prepared to be offered on Martissor or Women's Day/Mother's Day. Hyacinth bulbs, daffodil bulbs or plants ready to be offered.

Martisor offers for companies or for loved ones.