Accessories Plants

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Seramis ceramic granules

Mineral ceramic granules from Seramis clay - suitable for semi-hydroponic, hydroponic cultures, an ingredient in the composition of substrates or as a drainage material. - granulation: 3-5 mm - 100%...

Orchiata Precision 3-6 mm - Substrate (bark) for orchids (Pinus radiata)

Orchid Bark is an exceptional substrate for growing orchids, made from Pinus radiata bark in New Zealand, without any other additions. Its constant and superior quality provides excellent growth results....

Orchiata Super 18-25 mm - Substrate (bark) for orchids (Pinus radiata)

Orchid Bark is an exceptional substrate for growing orchids, made from Pinus radiata bark in New Zealand, without any other additions. Its constant and superior quality provides excellent growth results....

Orchiata Classic 6-9 mm - Substrate (bark) for orchids (Pinus radiata)

Orchid Bark is an exceptional substrate for growing orchids, made from Pinus radiata bark in New Zealand, without any other additions. Its constant and superior quality provides excellent growth results....

Orchiata Power+ 12-18 mm - Substrate (bark) for orchids (Pinus radiata)

Orchid Bark is an exceptional substrate for growing orchids, made from Pinus radiata bark in New Zealand, without any other additions. Its constant and superior quality provides excellent growth results....

MOSPILAN 20 SG - systemic insecticide

Mospilan - a systemic insecticide from the group of neonicotinoids, with a long-lasting effect and a broad spectrum of combat, contains acetamipyrid as an active substance, being particularly effective against...

Chorus 50 WG - penetrating systemic fungicide

Chorus finds uses in the field of orchid growth, for infections caused by Botrytis (gray mold) and Fusarium (fusarium). Penetrating systemic fungicide, particularly effective through the inhibitory action of essential...

Natural Sphagnum moss, packaged (unprocessed)

Sphagnum moss is used as a culture medium for various species of orchids and other species of epiphytic plants (hoya, climbing green plants, insectivorous plants, various cuttings), having an aesthetic...

Rooting powder (improved formula) 10g

Powder for rooting - Product intended to accelerate the process of root formation for soft, semi-woody or woody cuttings, as well as to increase the success rate in root formation....

Mediterranean pine orchid substrate (bark) 5-15 mm

€2,95 – €3,95
Mediterranean pine bark (Pinus Pineaster) can be used as a unique and stable substrate for orchids (such as Phalaenopsis or Vanda) or in compositions, for a wide variety of plants...

Mediterranean pine orchid substrate (bark) 16-25 mm

€2,95 – €3,95
Mediterranean pine bark (Pinus Pineaster) can be used as a unique and stable substrate for orchids (such as Phalaenopsis or Vanda) or in compositions, for a wide variety of plants...

Folpan 80 WDG - contact fungicide, multispecific

Folpan 80 WDG 20g is a fungicide with specific multi-site action especially against the fungi that cause downy mildew, turnip and moniliosis in horticultural crops. The active substance folpet is...

Previcur Energy - systemic fungicide

A systemic fungicide with fosetyl and propamocarb as active substances, intended to combat diseases caused by fungi from the Oomycetes class occurring in soil and on plant leaves. It is...

Captan 80 WDG - contact fungicide, multispecific, cicatrizing

Captan 80 WDG 20g is a fungicide with a multi-specific action that ensures the control of a wide spectrum of diseases that attack leaves and has a cicatrizing action, improving...

Bionat Plus - growth stimulator

€2,95 – €9,95
Growth stimulator with extremely fast absorption in the leaf tissue, Bionat Plus contains common elements with a fertilizing role (nitrogen - N, phosphorus - P and potassium - K), secondary...

Merpan 80 WDG - multispecific contact fungicide

Contact fungicide with multi-site action, prepared especially for combating fungi of the Venturia genus, which causes the rot of fruit trees, but later successfully tested in the treatment of a...

Decis Expert 100EC insecticide - contact insecticide

The DECIS EXPERT insecticide acts through contact and ingestion on harmful insects in the larval and adult stages. Deltamethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid that paralyzes the nervous system of insects...

Gray square plastic pot D11 cm H19

Matte plastic pot, with a diameter of 11 cm and a height of approx. 19 cm, used to transplant plants. *The pot does not have a plate included. Genre/Type: Accessories

Cupromax - Foliar fertilizer with systemic copper

Copper is complexed with lignosulfonate which gives it the property of being systemic and penetrating the interior of the plant. Copper contributes to the plant's respiration processes, to protein synthesis....

Substrate for acidophilic plants - Gardenia, Azalea, Hydrangea, etc. - Secret Garden mix

Substrate for acidophilic plants suitable for plants such as Gardenia, Azaleas, Hydrangea, some ferns , etc. Specially formulated to maintain a low pH, below 6 . This substrate is composed...

Verdomax - foliar growth biostimulator

Verdomax is a biostimulator designed to be applied to all types of plants. Due to the combination of microelements, amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides and plant hormones (growth regulators), it is...

Mosstok clips - set of 10 pcs

The displayed price is for 10 pcs. Dimensions: 10 /60 mm Genre/Type: Accessories

Natural Sphagnum moss (unprocessed) (100 g)

Sphagnum moss is used as a culture medium for various species of orchids and other species of epiphytic plants (hoya, climbing green plants, insectivorous plants, various cuttings), having an aesthetic...

Mat pot, plastic D19 cm

Matte plastic pot, with a diameter of 19 cm and a height of approx. 15.5 cm, used to transplant larger plants. For this pot you need about 3 liters of...

Monstera substrate - SG PREMIUM Mix

Aerated substrate for species belonging to the Monstera genus, designed for easy drainage and at the same time gradual release of nutrients necessary for development. Contents: Mediterranean pine bark, peat...

Coragen - broad-spectrum systemic insecticide

€2,95 – €8,95
CORAGEN® is an insecticide that works by activating ryanodine receptors, causing the release of calcium ions from the insect's muscle reserves, both smooth and striated. This process leads to muscle...

Horticultural perlite 0-2.5 mm

€2,95 – €3,95
Perlite is used in plant substrate mixes to improve aeration and modify soil structure, keeping it compact, well-drained and crumbly. Perlite is also excellent for rooting cuttings and favors the...

Heat Pack XXL (110 hours)

Heat Pack XXL - is a heat-generating package, mainly used for transporting animals and plants during the winter, but can also be used for keeping many other goods sensitive to...

Keiki paste 1.5g - for vegetative reproduction (orchids, araceae, etc.)

Pasta keiki welcomes enthusiasts who want to vegetatively reproduce their favorite specimens from the plant collection (orchids, araceae, etc.). It contains phytohormones (cytokinins) in lanolin suspension, vitamins, solvents and permeabilizing...

Mosstok - plant support covered in coconut H70-80cm

Mosstok - plant support covered in coconut for supporting plants. It can be used successfully for monstera, philodendron, epipremnum, hoya and other plants that develop aerial roots. The displayed price...

Terrarium glass globe H12cm

Transparent glass globe, round, specially created for the terrarium. This globe has hooks and can be hung. You can build your own terrarium, choosing a special glass vessel, decorative stones,...

ACTELLIC 50 EC - contact insecticide/acaricide

ACTELLIC 50 EC is a powerful insecticide, with contact, ingestion and fumigant action (through vapors), intended to combat pests in crops and warehouses, with the active substance: pirimiphos methyl (500...

TALENT SUPER insecticide - very effective insecticide

TALENT SUPER is an extraordinarily effective Insecticide , which acts quickly through contact and ingestion due to the 3 active substances recognized for their effectiveness: Imidacloprid 24%, Deltamethrin 3.2%, Tetramethrin...

SuperPlant 'Total Treatment' - Insecticide, Fungicide, Acaricide

Super Plant Treatment Total will protect your ornamental plants and flowers from diseases such as downy mildew, black spot, oidium. Destroys all types of plant fleas, leaf lice, whitefly, thrips,...

Universal organic fertilizer (NPK 4-1-5) - organic fertilizer 500 ml

This universal organic fertilizer (fertilizer) can be used on any plants and is the perfect alternative in the case of plants with edible fruits (citrus, tea plant, aromatic plants, laurel)....

ATONIK - leaf and root growth stimulator

ATONIK is a foliar growth stimulator, which stimulates rooting and can generate more spectacular or richer productions/blooms. The application is done by spraying on the leaves or by diluting in...

Powder for rooting (Crazy Roots formula) - 25g bottle

Powder for rooting - Product intended to accelerate the process of root formation for soft, semi-woody or woody cuttings, as well as to increase the success rate in root formation....

Laser 240 SC - biological insecticide (Thrips)

Laser™ 240 SC - biological insecticide with shock effect, with action by contact and ingestion, intended to combat pests. It also has an ovicidal effect in the case of certain...

Chameleon orchid fertilizer 250 ml

Chameleon is a premium orchid fertilizer designed by experienced Dutch growers to provide an ideal treatment for your plants. Simple to use - you only need one liter of warm...

Mixomax - Foliar fertilizer with microelements

Mixomax, foliar fertilizer intended for preventive and curative application in case of deficiencies and imbalances in the assimilation of nutrients for different crops. Mixomax foliar fertilizer is intended for preventive...

Thiovit Jet 80 WG - natural contact fungicide and sulfur supplement

Thiovit Jet 80 WG - contact fungicide that acts on foliar diseases, especially powdery mildew. Preventive, curative and antisporulating effect. Thiovit Jet 80 WG also corrects sulfur deficiencies. In the...

Paste for stimulating (re)blooming 1.5g (ReBloom)

The paste for stimulating (re)blooming is a mixture of substances designed and optimized to cause and support the flowering or reblooming of plants, awakening and stimulating inactive cells. The uses...

Karate Zeon - contact insecticide

Karate Zeon is a contact insecticide that, in addition to the quick and shock effect against pests, offers the longest period of protection, thanks to Zeon technology. The formulation in...

White matte plastic pot D14 cm

Matte plastic pot, with a diameter of 14 cm and a height of approx. 11.5 cm, used to transplant plants. For this pot you need approximately 1.1 liters of substrate....

Microthiol Special - natural contact fungicide and sulfur supplement

Microthiol Special - contact fungicide that acts on foliar diseases, especially powdery mildew. Preventive, curative and antisporulating effect. Microthiol Special also corrects sulfur deficiencies. Microthiol Special is a sulfur -based...

Dagonis - broad-spectrum multispecific fungicide

Dagonis® is a versatile, easy-to-use fungicide that can be applied to a very wide range of crops. The two active substances are complementary and their combination provides long-lasting control over...

Transparent orchid pot, plastic D12cm

Transparent orchid pot, made of plastic, with a diameter of 12 cm. The air cone allows additional aeration of the roots, and the intelligent drainage system ensures proper drainage. Planting...

Transparent orchid pot, plastic D15cm

Transparent orchid pot, made of plastic, with a diameter of 15 cm. The air cone allows additional aeration of the roots, and the intelligent drainage system ensures proper drainage. Planting...
The complete range of accessories for plant care: Fertilizer / plant fertilizer, flower substrate / soil, treatments - insecticide, fungicide, acaricide, plastic and ceramic pots and masks, raw materials - perlite, vermiculite, pumice, bark for orchids, clamps and supports.