Opuntia Jamaica Ghost
Opuntia Jamaica Ghost
Opuntia Jamaica Ghost

Opuntia Jamaica Ghost - variegated leaves


Pot diameter: pot 12 cm

pot 12 cm
Full description and specifications

Opuntia Jamaica Ghost is a species of cactus that attracts attention with its unique appearance. This cactus belongs to the genus Opuntia and is known for its wide, flat stems that resemble paddles.

Jamaica Ghost is a special variety due to its unusual color, a gray-white, which appears almost translucent or "ghostly", hence the name "Ghost".

Opuntia Jamaica Ghost is quite easy to care for. Here are some tips:

  • Light : Prefers strong and direct sunlight. It is ideal to be placed in a place where it can receive a few hours of direct sunlight every day.
  • Watering : Like other cacti, Opuntia Jamaica Ghost requires little water. Watering should be done only when the substrate is completely dry. In winter, the plant can be watered even less often.
  • Temperature : It withstands heat well and prefers higher temperatures in summer, but must be protected from frost in winter. If it is grown in a cold climate, it is best to bring it indoors or in a protected space during the winter.
  • Substrate : It needs a well-drained substrate, specific for cacti, which prevents water stagnation and rotting of the roots.
  • Propagation: Opuntia Jamaica Ghost can be easily propagated by dividing segments that root quickly when planted in the right substrate. This is a simple and effective method to propagate the plant.

Height with pots included approx. 25 cm

The pictures are for informational purposes only.