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Paphiopedilum Maudiae Femma (Venus's Slipper)

Paphiopedilum Maudiae Femma (Venus's Slipper)

PP Orchideeën's own creation, femma is the acronym of the names of the two daughters (Femke and Marit) of orchid breeders Elsbeth Prins and Ron Tieglaar, the founders of Prins...
Paphiopedilum Pinocchio (glaucophyllum x primulinum)

Paphiopedilum Pinocchio (glaucophyllum x primulinum) sequential/multiflower

A primary hybrid of two botanical species, with Paph. glaucophyllum as seminal parent and Paph. primulinum (Critically Endangered species in the natural habitat, listed in the IUCN Red List) as...
Paphiopedilum Sukhakulii

Paphiopedilum Sukhakulii

€14,95 – €20,95
Paphiopedilum sukhakulii is a complex hybrid that blooms more frequently in autumn. The flowers are solitary, with green, purple petals, white sepals with green stripes and brown-red bags. Green, broad,...
Paphiopedilum - American hybrid MIX01

Paphiopedilum - American hybrid MIX01

This group of Paphiopedilum is present only in culture, being the result of selective crossings of botanical species and their hybrids. The known parental species for the American Hybrid group...
Paphiopedilum Gratrixianum

Paphiopedilum Gratrixianum

The Paphiopedilum Gratrixianum orchid is native to Southeast Laos, North Vietnam where it grows on mountain ridges at altitudes between 900 and 1220 meters. It was described by the English...
Paphiopedilum Rosy Dawn (Papucul lui Venus)

Paphiopedilum Rosy Dawn (Venus's Slipper)

Non-primary hybrid, with both parents (Paphiopedilum 'Astarte' and Paphiopedilum 'Gwen Hannen') non-primary hybrids in turn, Paphiopedilum Rosy Dawn White surprises both with its delicate, pale colors, which vary from white...
Paphiopedilum Leeanum

Paphiopedilum Leeanum

This group of Paphiopedilum is present only in culture, being the result of selective crossings of botanical species and their hybrids. The known parental species for the American Hybrid group...
Paphiopedilum primulinum (sequential/multiflower)

Paphiopedilum primulinum (sequential/multiflower)

Orchid Paphiopedilum primulinum is a sequential flowering orchid, native to northern Sumatra, Indonesia. Pot diameter 12 cm See the Paphiopedilum orchid care guide on the Blog. The decorative bowl is...

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