Aloe arborescens bush (Healing plant) D12


Pot diameter: pot 12 cm

pot 12 cm
Full description and specifications

Aloe arborescens is part of the extended genus of the Liliaceae family and originates from southern Africa. The plant blooms every winter and produces orange flowers.
Aloe arborescens has various healing properties that have been known to the local African population for centuries. Aloe arborescens is an extremely versatile indoor plant with medicinal properties.
Aloe arborescens forms the basis for the treatment of many types of diseases and disorders. The following medicinal properties are attributed to Aloe arborescens:
• the plant stimulates the functioning of the immune system;
• the plant has an anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic effect;
• the plant helps to heal wounds.

Aloe care instructions
Placement: The plant needs as much sun as possible, throughout the warm season - this way it will stock up on nutrients and last well through the winter.
Humidity: Water very little, when the soil is completely dry. Excess moisture irremediably affects the roots of the plant.
Propagation: The plant periodically makes pups, which can be carefully separated from the mother plant, without damaging its roots.
Substrate: Use only special soil for cacti, available in florists - the plant needs a sandy, well-drained soil.

Height with pots included approx. 30 cm

Note: Variety with brittle leaves that can be damaged during handling and transport.