Vanda (Christensonia) Vietnamese - Care and characteristics

Vanda (Christensonia) vietnamica

Unique species of the genus Christensonia, later included in the genus Vanda, Christensonia vietnamese was initially discovered by the Czech botanist Jiri Haager during an expedition undertaken in the south of Vietnam. The genus Christensonia was created in 1993 and named in honor of Eric Christenson, for his contributions to the research of vandaceae species from the subtribe Aeridinae. The species Christensonia vietnamica shares common characteristics both with the species of the genus Aerides and with those of the genus Rhynchostylis. The accepted synonym for this species is Vanda vietnamica (Haager) LMGardiner 2012

Christensonia vietnamica inhabits low areas, at altitudes from 100 to 700 m in the south of Vietnam, in forests with deciduous trees and forest-steppe areas, with a warm climate.

Species with monopodial growth, has a stem covered with nested sheaths formed by the base of the semi-hard leaves, with an alternate disposition and a hard, fleshy consistency. It blooms during the summer, on short, axillary stems of approximately 7 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, approximately 3.2 cm in diameter, and are discreetly fragrant, with citrus or fruity notes .

From the point of view of the growing conditions, it will be very close to those suitable for the Phalaenopsis genus, with the light radiation intensity of 15000 - 20000 lux, and a relative humidity of 65 - 80%, with higher values ​​(80%) in the case cultivation on plates, or lower (65%) for cultivation in pots. The ideal culture medium is the mount on bark or cork plates.

Being a moderately thermophilic species, temperatures of 22 - 28 ℃ will be preferred for daytime values ​​and 16 - 20 ℃ for night values.

Normally, irrigation will be carried out at intervals of 5-7 days or more frequently, preferably by immersion, but allowing the substrate to dry between two successive waterings. In the case of cultivation in pots, the ideal way to administer water is when you notice that the roots lose their green color and become pearly.

Fertilization will be carried out throughout the year, at 2-week intervals, with balanced fertilizers, with a 30-30-30 NPK formula, at 25-50% of the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. More diluted and more frequent fertilizations are recommended.

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